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  • Writer's pictureSimon Brooks

Modelling in a Culture of Thinking

As teachers, how do we model who we are as thinkers and learners?

What is the difference between a dispositional and a cognitive apprenticeship?

And what impact might this have on helping students grow as critical and creative thinkers?

Cultures of Thinking is an educational framework arising from the work of Dr. Ron Ritchhart and colleagues at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. For many years, I have enjoyed a close affiliation with this team, and now work with educators around the world interested in building cultures of thinking in their own schools and organisations.

This interview is the 4th in an 8 part series of podcasts with Colin Klupiec of The Learning Capacity Podcast, where I delve into each of the 8 cultural forces that we must master in order to truly transform our schools.

To listen to the podcast, click HERE, and to read a full transcript of the interview, click HERE.

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